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Passionate about improving women's wellbeing

Our story


The physio-led PostureFitting system has been developed by founder and Irish chartered physiotherapist, Siobhán O'Donovan.


After making an appointment to have her own bra fitted by an expert, Siobhán discovered first hand the immediate and lasting effect it had on her posture and self-confidence. She immediately identified this as an opportunity to use an optimally fitted bra to enhance postural improvements for her patients.


This epiphany led to the evolution of PostureFitting and subsequently the GALS against GRAVITY workshop.


The PostureFitting physiotherapy system provides a successful alternative to taping and other postural supports physios might ordinarily use.

Through extensive research into breast health and management, bra type and fit, and the development of a partnership with a leading UK-based bra manufacturer, PostureFitting offers physios access to products that meet our criteria for both support and proprioceptive input.


We're on a mission to share our innovative PostureFitting system. Our GALS against GRAVITY workshop offers physios the opportunity to understand an issue that affects all women, and provides the first step on the PostureFitting pathway.



PostureFitting today


Supporting women's health and wellbeing


Providing this posture management system to patients of Posture Matters, her own physiotherapy practice, Siobhán saw the life-changing moments her patients experienced during their PostureFitting consultation and, importantly, the long term benefits it brought to their general health and wellbeing.


Today, the innovative PostureFitting brand continues to operate from Cork, Ireland. It did not take long for Siobhán to realise the need to extend the PostureFitting physiotherapy service to women in other locations.


PostureFitting is now also available outside of Cork through a network of selected chartered physiotherapists who are trained and licensed PostureFitting Physio Partners.

My PostureFitting experience has definitely improved my posture.


All the tips and exercises and extra support from the bras have helped me to hold myself so much better. The bra really does work as a reminder.


My posture is better, I look better and I feel so much better in myself.


For women of all ages and life stages

Our services


Posture management with bra fitting at its core, PostureFitting uplifts the way women, feel, move, look.

Become a PostureFitting
Physio Partner

Broaden your practice offer


 This preventive physiotherapy system delivers measurable commercial opportunities in terms of both income and referrals.

Book your PostureFitting consultation

Tailored to you


Experience PostureFitting - see how you can feel, move, look better every day. 

Join the GALS
against GRAVITY

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